You can download a CSV file (3.80 MB) and SQL export (0.54 MB, gzip compressed) with all machine types, disk types, operating system images, Google Cloud regions and zones. You can import and edit the CSV file to your favorite spreadsheet program (MS Excel, LibreOffice or Google Sheets). You can import the SQL dump into your favorite database (like SQLite).
Comma Separated Values (CSV) file with GCE machine types and Google Cloud regions.
Gzip compressed Structured Query Language (SQL) export with GCE machine types, disk types, operating system images, Google Cloud regions and zones.
Command Line
With the SQL export you can also do great queries using the command line (CLI).
# Download CSV file
curl -O
# Search CSV and count
grep 'europe-west4' < machine-types-regions.csv | wc -l
# Download SQL export
curl -O
# Decompress SQL export
gzip -d machine-types-regions.sql.gz
# Import SQL dump
sqlite3 gce.db < machine-types-regions.sql
# SQL query Google Cloud machine types (instances)
sqlite3 gce.db 'SELECT name, vCpus, hour FROM instances WHERE vCpus >= 8 AND region LIKE "europe-west4" ORDER BY hour ASC LIMIT 5'
Example SQL output:
Open Source
Everything you see here is published as open source software and licensed under the Apache License (version 2.0). You can find the source code on GitHub. Any improvements and pull requests are welcome.