Google Compute Engine Disk Type local-ssd

Local SSD, minimum capacity per disk 375 GB.

Costs and pricing for Google Compute Engine disk type local-ssd in Google Cloud regions in which the disk is available.

Region Location #Zones 1 GB 10 GB 375 GB 500 GB
europe-north2 ? 3 ??? ??? ??? ???
asia-east1 Taiwan 3 0.08 0.80 30.00 40.00
europe-west1 Belgium 3 0.08 0.80 30.00 40.00
us-central1 Iowa 5 0.08 0.80 30.00 40.00
us-east1 South Carolina 4 0.08 0.80 30.00 40.00
us-east5 Columbus 3 0.08 0.80 30.00 40.00
us-west1 Oregon 3 0.08 0.80 30.00 40.00
northamerica-south1 Mexico 3 0.0872 0.87 32.70 43.60
asia-east2 Hong Kong 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
asia-southeast1 Singapore 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
europe-north1 Finland 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
europe-west4 Netherlands 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
me-west1 Tel Aviv 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
northamerica-northeast1 Montréal 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
northamerica-northeast2 Toronto 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
us-east4 Northern Virginia 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
us-west4 Las Vegas 3 0.088 0.88 33.00 44.00
europe-west8 Milan 3 0.0928 0.93 34.80 46.40
europe-west9 Paris 3 0.0928 0.93 34.80 46.40
europe-southwest1 Madrid 3 0.0944 0.94 35.40 47.20
us-south1 Dallas 3 0.0944 0.94 35.40 47.20
asia-southeast2 Jakarta 3 0.09592 0.96 35.97 47.96
asia-south1 Mumbai 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
asia-south2 Delhi 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
europe-central2 Warsaw 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
europe-west12 Turin 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
europe-west2 London 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
europe-west3 Frankfurt 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
us-west2 Los Angeles 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
us-west3 Salt Lake City 3 0.096 0.96 36.00 48.00
me-central1 Doha 3 0.0972 0.97 36.45 48.60
asia-northeast1 Tokyo 3 0.104 1.04 39.00 52.00
asia-northeast2 Osaka 3 0.104 1.04 39.00 52.00
asia-northeast3 Seoul 3 0.104 1.04 39.00 52.00
europe-west6 Zurich 3 0.104 1.04 39.00 52.00
africa-south1 Johannesburg 3 0.10464 1.05 39.24 52.32
australia-southeast1 Sydney 3 0.108 1.08 40.50 54.00
australia-southeast2 Melbourne 3 0.108 1.08 40.50 54.00
southamerica-west1 Santiago 3 0.1144 1.14 42.90 57.20
southamerica-east1 São Paulo 3 0.12 1.20 45.00 60.00
europe-west10 Berlin 3 0.1232 1.23 46.20 61.60
me-central2 Dammam 3 0.128 1.28 48.00 64.00